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Deep Learning GPU Benchmarks

GPU training/inference speeds using PyTorch®/TensorFlow for computer vision (CV), NLP, text-to-speech (TTS), etc.

YoloV5 Inference GPU Benchmarks

Relative Inference Latency w.r.t 1xRTX 8000 (All Models) 80003080A100 80GB PCIeRTX A6000
RECORD_NAMERelative Latency
RTX 80001
A100 80GB PCIe0.73
RTX A60000.7

GPU Benchmark Methodology

To measure the relative effectiveness of GPUs when it comes to training neural networks we’ve chosen training throughput as the measuring stick. Training throughput measures the number of samples (e.g. tokens, images, etc...) processed per second by the GPU.

Using throughput instead of Floating Point Operations per Second (FLOPS) brings GPU performance into the realm of training neural networks. Training throughput is strongly correlated with time to solution — since with high training throughput, the GPU can run a dataset more quickly through the model and teach it faster.

In order to maximize training throughput it’s important to saturate GPU resources with large batch sizes, switch to faster GPUs, or parallelize training with multiple GPUs. Additionally, it’s also important to test throughput using state of the art (SOTA) model implementations across frameworks as it can be affected by model implementation.



We are working on new benchmarks using the same software version across all GPUs. First AI's PyTorch® benchmark code is available 

The 2023 benchmarks used using NGC's PyTorch® 22.10 docker image with Ubuntu 20.04, PyTorch® 1.13.0a0+d0d6b1f, CUDA 11.8.0, cuDNN, NVIDIA driver 520.61.05, and our  of NVIDIA's .

The 2022 benchmarks used using NGC's PyTorch® 21.07 docker image with Ubuntu 20.04, PyTorch® 1.10.0a0+ecc3718, CUDA 11.4.0, cuDNN, NVIDIA driver 470, and NVIDIA's optimized model implementations in side of the NGC container.

PyTorch® is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation.



YOLOv5 is a family of SOTA object detection architectures and models pretrained by Ultralytics. We use the opensource implementation in this repo to benchmark the inference lantency of YOLOv5 models across various types of GPUs and model format (PyTorch®, TorchScript, ONNX, TensorRT, TensorFlow, TensorFlow GraphDef). Details for input resolutions and model accuracies can be found here.